sábado, 2 de febrero de 2019

Work Elisa María Gonzalez y Alicia Ortega

Chistmas day in the USA
Chirstmas day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general populating an schools and bussines are closed. People celebrate Chirstmas day in many ways. In the days or even weeks before Chirstmas day , many people DECORATE  their homes and garden with lights. Chirstmas trees and more. It is cammori to organize a special meas. Often turkey for family or friends and exchange giets with them. Chldrenis particular, often relative and the mythical pigure Santa Claus. This has red to Chirstmas becoming a commercialized holiday, with a lot of families spending a lurge past of their mcome or gifts and food.
Many Sunday school chistmas and communities organize special event. These can include decorating the  neighboard or a shopping many, putting of  a chirstmas tree are nativity display.

1. Is spain becoming more comerciality? How

  • Yes , because there are many more people.
2. Do children in Spain get too many gifts?

  • yes, because children do not know they are their parents, they think they are the wise men because they ask for many gifts

3. How is the Three Magos different than Christmas in Spain?

  • The night of the wise men only bring gifts and on Christmas night dinner with family