jueves, 1 de marzo de 2018

Comment number three

MISS or LOSE? Lucy explains the difference to us  

Do you know the difference between miss and lose? These two words are very similar, but in English we use them different . Do you say “I lost the bus” or “I missed the bus”? 

It is very difficult to know how to use these two words correctly but if you learn what I have written, you will be able to use them better.

Remmember !

 Use lose with objects:
“Oh no! I lost my keys!”
 Use lose with sports games:
“My favorite soccer team lost 3-0 in the semifinal.”
 Use miss with transportation (flights, trains, buses):
“I missed the 7:00 train, so I had to take the 8:00 one.”
 Use miss with events and opportunities:
“You missed a great English class yesterday!”
 We also use miss to talk about feeling sad when we don’t see someone:
“My brother moved to Australia last year. I really miss him!”

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