sábado, 3 de marzo de 2018

Gregorio Esteban Sanchez Fernandez was a singer and humorist . He was born in Malaga , Spain , on 28th March , 1932. With 8 years he be a singer . He got married in 1958 and his woman died in 2012 . In 1985 he appeared on American television . In 1995 “ Chiquito de la calzada “appears on the radio. In August the 1996 Chiquito  proclaimed the Malaga. During the 21st century Chiquito collaborated in adversiting campaigns . On 14th October , 2017 he suffered a fell in his house . The content of his jukes , was normally simple and short . Chiquito de la Calzada died on 11th November , 20117

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